December 31, 2014

mist on the wind

People have said that the older you get, the shorter the years feel. 2014 was the first year that I really experienced that - the sensation of time unraveling quickly; slipping through your fingers. I find myself torn between childhood and adulthood, grasping onto and dreaming of both. It is an ever-present reminder that our lives are like mist on the wind.

But if you look a little closer, they are full of moments - moments that gleam and glow; moments that seem to stretch on forever. The little moments that turn out to be the big ones. Time is so intricately woven; so lovingly woven. 

This past year was absolutely full of those perfect little moments. Every year is bound to come with it's own unique set of highs and lows, twists and turns, and overall change, but it all so perfectly follows God's flawless plan. In 2014, I dove deeper into my relationship with my Heavenly Father, adventured around my home state; I welcomed little ones into this world and I held my great grandmother's hand just days before she went to live with the Lord in heaven. I learned to love every season of life, even my least favorite; God opened the door for my family to move houses after over a year of praying; I practiced and pursued the things (and people) that I love, and collected so many memories that I'll hold dear forever. I think I'll always see this year through rose-colored glasses. It was the best yet.

I have a lengthy mental list of resolutions and goals, but a specific one I want to work on in the new year is finding those moments and living them. I want to live intentionally this year. I have an awful habit of letting some days slip away because of tiny little things that seem to make it imperfect; I tend to let the imperfections blot out the moments that matter. But in 2015, my ultimate goal is to not let a single day go to waste. There are adventures to be had, people to meet and to love, creations to create, and more love to be found every day from God.

Aside from that, I do have a small compilation of goals for the coming year:

                       1. Find something to be grateful for in every day
                       2. Spend time in God's word every day
                       3. Pursue writing and short film making (for real, no more slacking)
                       4. Cultivate a healthy lifestyle
                       5. Be merciful and learn to not expect perfection from anything or anyone, including myself

This year I learned lessons in life. I learned that life is short and long and beautiful all at once. I'm still learning and I think I'll never stop - life is a learning process.
Thank you all for following along on this journey and for caring about the little moments. It is my prayer that the Lord will bless you abundantly in the new year and reveal His unconditional love to you. I could write a novel reflecting on life, but I'll end it here with saying that I am beyond excited to see what 2015 holds, and all the years beyond!
God is so, so good through it all.


  1. Happy new year!!

  2. Happy New Year!
    You've made lovely resolutions and I thoroughly enjoyed reading them!

  3. Happy New Year, Rachelle! This post speaks straight to my heart. <3


  4. Happy New Year! This is such a beautifully written post and I really admire your faith!

  5. Such gorgeous writing Rachelle! I think 2015 has wonderful things in store for all of us.
    x Erin
    The Halfway Point

  6. wonderful words :) with those brilliant new year's resolutions, I'm sure you'll have no trouble having a great 2015 ☼

  7. Happy new year Rachelle! Gorgeous photos x

  8. I'm sad to hear that your Great Grandmother has passed, my prayers are with you :)
    Beautifully written post, have a great 2015!
    - F -

  9. enjoyed reading this! happy 2015!

  10. What beautiful words. Yours is the only blog I read all the way through (oops) , I always feel God through your words and you really magnify His love.

    1. Oh, Jessie, you don't know how encouraging that is. Thank you!

  11. Love the photos! Have a wonderful 2015!

    xx, Amelie

    P.S. Have an amazing New Year!

  12. How do you always have the most amazing photos?! So lovely! And I love your resolutions. We could all do for a little more living in the moment and gratefulness. <3

    Chloe | Curious Ramblings

  13. I think that 2014 was the best year yet for me too. I love all of the pictures!


  14. this are the most beautiful images! its my dream to see them in real life!


    1. oh my goodness, it is my dream for you to see them as well! You know, you are always welcome in Washington. ;)

  15. Oh wow, this is so amazing! These words and these photos are so utterly perfect. I really look forward to seeing your short films. ;)

  16. You amaze me! I really really really hope we get to meet in person someday. Also, these photos are so amazing. I wish I could live somewhere so beautiful.

  17. Rachelle you have such a gorgeous way with words, I relate to this all in so many different ways it's insane. I also have so many of the same goals and I hope you reach yours throughout the year! And also I cannot help but say yet again how absolutely stunning your photography is. Good luck in continuing and pursuing your loves this year <3
    xx Juli

  18. oh my gosh, the snow it looks amazing xx

  19. ditto everything you said about the year slipping by. i felt the same way this year. let's live intentionally in 2015.

  20. Wonderful, Rachelle. These are beautiful thoughts and beautifully said. May the Lord bless every single moment of 2015!

  21. This was the most inspirational and relatable New Years post I've read so far! So many of those things I will yet again strive for this year. And yes, time FLEW by this year. Crazy.

    Beautiful post!

  22. i agree with the other commenters... relatable. beautiful. stunning. i wish you the very best 2015, girl.

  23. I just found your blog, and absolutely love it! You are a great writer and have an amazing outlook on life. My goal for 2015 was to live more intentionally as well. I think that is how God wanted us to live when He created us :)

    Keep up the great writing and photography!

  24. I just discovered your blog today and it's so beautiful! These photos are breathtaking, and you have such a way with words. I feel we're very similar in the way we word things, and our perspective on life.

    Molly Marie


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