January 11, 2013

Changes in the New Year

First of all, happy new year! I am so sorry that I haven't posted since last year... :) Anyway, I'm Rachelle...and if you've visited the about page, you probably already know that. :) I write the posts for this blog and my awesome mom takes the pictures and comes up with lots of fantastic ideas and also proofreads the posts. :)

My mom and I started Stella Bella Girls in May 2012 as an online webazine type website, where we released a new "issue" every month. Basically, I just updated the website with new crafts and such, but in July I decided to change it into a blog since it would be updated more often and my mom and I both felt like it was a better idea. I started posting in August, and have been ever since! It has been very fun and I really appreciate my readers. <3

However, ever since my mom and I began SBG, we both felt like it was too much of a company or machine...and we've been talking and decided that we want to make it more personal. From now on, I will be writing the posts from a more personal perspective (for example, saying "I" instead of "we") and try to make it a better blog. :)

Since I will be doing this, I think it would be appropriate to change the name...I feel as if "Stella Bella Girls" suggests that multiple girls are writing on it or something. My mom and I chose that name because "Stella Bella" means "beautiful star" in Italian, and the Bible encourages Christians to be shining stars, so we wanted to encourage middle school and high school girls to be beautiful stars. I think that it DID fit the website, but for the blog I want to choose a new name. Please write any suggestions in the comments! Keep in mind that it will still be a blog that is focused on God and I will post devotionals, but I will also do DIY crafts and many other fun posts. :)

Thank you for joining my mom and me on our little journey! I pray that this blog is a great encouragement to you.


  1. So cool! I don't really have any suggestions for new names, but I'll keep searchin'. ;)

    1. I'm glad you like the changes! :) Thank you!

  2. Cool! What about Finding Your Shine. I dunno.. :P I really like Stella Bella Girls but you are right, it kinda does sound like a company. Hope you can find a good name. :-).
    -Abby B.

    1. That is a great idea! Thanks for sharing. :) My mom and I are putting our heads together and trying to come up with the perfect name...it will probably take some time, but hopefully we do find a good one! :)


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