February 7, 2013

Guest Post by Dakota - Sock Curls Tutorial

 Today my amazing friend is going to do a hair tutorial for sock curls. :)
Hi There! My name's Dakota. Nice to meet you! It is such an honor to post on Stella Bella Girls! (Isn't Rachelle just so sweet? I am in love with this blog.) Here's a little intro about me: I'm 13 years young. I like all things vintage, but am in love with modern-style too. :) I am obsessed with polka-dots, waffles, reading, sewing, and all things crafty! The perfect day for me would be a rainy day spent curled up on a window nook with a mug of hot chocolate and a good book. 

Today, I'm doing a fun tutorial on how to do sock curls. Now, let me tell you about my over-night curlers experience. When I first got into no-heat hair curlers, I picked up a little box of foam rollers...and I had short hair (Blech! I'll never do that again! Well, at least the way it was cut then.) Thinking the thinner, smaller rollers would work better for my hair, I applied them using little pieces of hair...only to wake up the next morning with a Shirley Temple 'do. :( Pigtails worked that day. Anyway, over the course of a couple of years I have tried just about every kind of overnight hair contraption, and sock curlers are currently reigning supreme over all of them. So, without further ado, let's begin!

(I have to apologize in advance for the semi-bad photos....I now know that night time and iPhone's do not go together very well. Bare with me.) Firstly, for best results with these little beauties, you should attempt this at night time. Wash, add mousse (pictured), and blow dry your hair before you start for maximum curl.

Now, since you're all ready, grab your materials: 6-8 knee socks (depending on how thick your hair is), a brush, a rat-tail comb, (or pencil, or bobby pin, or anything with a pointy end for that matter), three small hair ties, and mousse, (which should already be in your hair).

Step 1. Separate your hair into three sections. To do this, just part your hair into two deep side parts on either side of your head with the rat tail comb.

Step 2. Tie each section off with the small hair ties.

Step 3. Undo the middle section of your hair. To start your first curl, pick up a medium-thick piece of hair from the front (you can take a smaller or larger piece of hair, but keep in mind the smaller the piece, the tinier and bouncier the curl will be, and for bigger sections you'll get large, wavy curls). Brush out the section and place the middle of one sock on the tip of the back side of the piece. (I hope that made sense...)

Step 4. Holding the sock and your hair as one, roll the sock down, away from your face, towards your scalp. 

Step 5. When you get to the bottom, roll it in as tight as you can and carefully tie the ends of the sock together to make a knot, being careful not to tie any flyaways in with it. (They hurt a lot!)

Step 6. Repeat step 4 by grabbing another piece of hair below your top curl. Repeat down the middle section of hair until there is no hair that is not secured into a tie (I normally use 3 socks per section).

Step 7. Repeat this process with the two other sections of hair, only working from the top of the side down instead of the middle down. 

Step 8. To finish, (for the night), you can tie a really large bandana around your head...but the socks stay pretty tight during the night. :) Now you can go to sleep! Good night!

Step 9. Rise and shine! To take out your curls, untie the socks starting at the bottom and unwind the hair. 

Step 10. You'll most likely have thick spiral curls, so if you wanna go vintage on me, you can stop here, but...

Step 11. I prefer to tip my head upside down and shake 'em out a little to messy it up. 

Step 12. As you can see, I secured mine off to the side for a messy ponytail, but the options are limitless with curls like these! Now go enjoy your curlies!

Before I go, I'd like to share this bible verse: "Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight." -1 Peter 3:4. It's a great reminder that even though God calls us to take care of our bodies on earth, we should be even more conscious of our inner self, which is much more important. 

Well, that's it! Thanks for reading! And, most of all, thank you Rachelle for inviting me to post; it was so fun! Have fun curling! xoxo Dakota :)
Dakota has an Etsy shop where she sells adorable handmade items that she crochets or sews. She has lots of adorable hats and some blankets and burp cloths as well. Check it out!


  1. One word: Cool! (I will definitely try this.)

    1. Thanks, Naomi! :) Yeah, Dakota did a great job!

  2. That's so cool! I've tried this once before and it didn't work out too well for me but I'm definitely going to try it again. Your hair looked gorgeous afterwards. Thanks so much!

  3. Wow how cool :) I've never seen It done like that :) Sweet blog btw. Please come and follow mine thanks :) http://abeautifulheart07.blogspot.com/

  4. Thank you Rachelle! It was so fun being able to post on your blog! Also, thank you so much for adding the link to my Etsy shop. It means a lot. :)

    1. No problem, Dakota! :) Thank you for posting. :)

  5. My siser tried this and she really likes it!!!


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