July 21, 2016


Hello friends! It's been a good while since this little blog has been cared for, and I'm just dropping in to let you know that things are about to change. I've been feeling lots of feelings lately and struggling to find inspiration for too long but I'm finally waking up and ready to begin creating more!

To be quite honest, I had fully intended to let this blog sit in the dust for eternity and never had any plans to post again. But with a little re-designing (dysfunctional design is an inspiration killer for me) and some time I'm ready to get back into it. I tend to put a lot of pressure on myself and feel as if I need to keep up a reputation and only create certain types of work, but I'm trying to push myself out of that box and find creative freedom. I want to try new things and genuinely love and enjoy everything that I create.

I'm not entirely sure what this new season will look like for this little space of mine on the internet, but a here are just few sneak peeks into my ideas ~

 short films
 illustrations/peeks into my sketchbook
 more videos
 more writing
✚ more photos
& lots of other fun things.

While I do want to be creating what I want to create, I also want to make content that you will enjoy. So please, please let me know any ideas for videos, posts, etc. and anything that you want to see here in the future! I am open to anything and would truly love to hear your thoughts.

In conclusion, I want to thank all of you who have stuck around for so long and supported and encouraged me! You mean more than you know. I can't promise that I'll post regularly, but I can honestly say that I can't wait to start creating freely again!

x Elle

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