January 21, 2014

Winter Walks

The other day I went on a cold, wintery walk with my mom. I saw the head of this trail from the road a few days earlier, and it looked so cool that I persuaded my mom to take me on it. And it was cool indeed. :) Most of the trail was a long boardwalk, but it eventually turned into a dirt path that led alongside a blueberry farm.
 Along the trail, we spotted this old boiler house from the 1920s.

I really love overcast, wintery days, but the sun is nice, too. :) I have a feeling that these days are nearing an end, and spring will be here soon!
Are you enjoying whatever season it is where you live? Or are you completely ready for the next season to arrive? I am really looking forward to this coming summer, I can't wait to go on more adventures!
Have a wonderful day!
xo Rachelle


  1. Beautiful photos !

    Eb x

  2. The pictures and you are so absolutely stunning!

  3. This is such a beautiful trail. Looks perfect for senior portraits and such. Love that tree with the eye! You look super cute! Right now I definitely can't feel spring in the air. We're expecting 12 in. Of snow in NYC!

  4. Those are some beautiful photos! You're soo pretty!

  5. That place has a really magical feeling about it. Love it!

    x Erin

  6. That is such a cool place! And how did you do that slide show thing when you are jumping? That was really cool. Great photo's!


    1. Thanks, Janai! It is called a gif and if you just Google how to make gifs you can find tutorials and even some websites that will make them for you.

  7. Nice photos. Followed your blog. Hope you can follow me back. Thanks

  8. I love the atmosphere of these pictures!!

  9. Oh my goodness, I absolutely love all of these photographs! That was a gorgeous area to take them! I just found your blog and I LOVE it! Can't wait to see more from you!
    Brooke Jordan


  10. Gorgeous photos! Did you make the gif yourself or did you use a particular website? I have tried a couple of websites but they all advertise their website on the gif.

  11. Great photography! And a lovely name to! x


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